- Getting product images...
- Identifying imprint areas...
- Calculating canvas size...
- Rendering...
- Calculating image size...
- Validating image...
- Uploading image to server...
- Creating a layer...
- Saving the project...
- Creating project preview..
- Applying design to product...
- Rendering...
- Sending image for processing...
- Applying effects...
- Getting image from server...
- Creating a layer...
- B
- I
Print Color:
- Rectangle
- Circle
- Ellipse
- Triangle
- Line
- Polyline
- Free draw
Shape Color:
002119735 Notespod - Slim
Hardback cover contains five 25 sheet indextabs, one (72x72mm) 125 sheet sticky note pad and one (72x50mm) 125 sheet sticky note pad. Individually shrink-wrapped. Size: 182x80mm. Finished cover size 182x182mm. Visible area 192x192. Safe print area 172x70 & 172x8mm. Bleed 212x212mm. Gluetrack: sticky-smart 75x75mm, safe print area: 67x67mm, bleed: 79x79mm. Sticky Smart: 50x75mm, safe print area 42x67mm, bleed 54x79mm.